Friday, 29 June 2012

Choose Carefully from Where You Get Your Transformers

To get authentic ferrite core transformers you should choose the manufacturer carefully. It is critical that any kind of equipment you buy should be reliable and cost effective. In trying to cut costs some manufacturers compromise on the quality of raw materials and/or components. This can be counterproductive, and on occasion even dangerous. The moment you compromise on quality, you risk putting the entire project at risk.
The same goes for power transformers. Transformers require minimal maintenance. Since they have no moving parts, they are capable of withstanding overloads, surges, faults, and in some cases even superficial physical damage. However, constant monitoring is required to detect and correct problems before they escalate into expensive repairs. Normally transformers can withstand a lot of electrical fluctuations but they do deteriorate with age. Regular cleaning of the cooling surface, maximizing ventilation and monitoring load are required to ensure that the transformer does not overheat.
The operating environment of the ferrite core transformers includes weather conditions, location, electrical loading, operating methods, system parameters and application. These need to be kept in mind while developing the specifications. Manufacturers can take note of National standards like ANSI and NEMA which provide recommendations or standard values wherever applicable. While manufactures continue to advance the state of the art to meet changing operating environments, it is still fundamental to the designer that each known environmental condition be considered and addressed in the design.
Since a power transformer is used to convert from one voltage to another at significant power levels, it should be clarified at the outset whether it is required to convert between high and low voltages or between low and high currents. This adjustment of electricity from one particular voltage level to another is necessary so as to facilitate domestic consumption in our households and businesses. Certain electric equipment like power-driven gates, vending mechanisms, control of alarms, air conditioning and lighting are designed for use at voltage levels; while most domestic appliances are designed to operate at low voltages. High voltage transformers are helpful to us in audio systems like music reproduction systems apart from telephone networks, medical application, in measurement tools and industrial controls.

Protect Your Delicate Electronic Equipment

One of the best ways to protect your delicate electronic equipment is to use transformers with ferrite cores . Since electronic equipments need to work at higher and higher frequencies, experts recommend that electronic transformers be prepared from ferrite core materials. To meet electromagnetic requirements and compatibility factors of an electronic device, a ferrite bead coil forms a key component. This is because ferrite coils being a type of inductor reduce the intensity of noise that emanate from electronic circuits. It is always advisable that transformers have electrostatic shields to attenuate voltage spikes, fine noise and transients.
Induction of electrical energy from one winding to another is used to increase energy voltage levels in transformers from one stage to another. Transformers which are bobbin wound have the transformer core put in to and in the region of the coil. Transformer windings are completed to bobbin pins or surface mount pads. These could be used to provide power, broadcast signals, set up voltage isolation between circuits, sense voltage and current levels, adjust voltage and current levels, give impedance corresponding, and filtering. Inductors take care of the electronic appliance by controlling the flow of electricity in them and maintaining a safe level of electrical power inside.
A toroid transformer comes in two different forms, namely ferrites and powdered iron. The greatest advantage of using a toroid is that it rarely interacts with neighboring components while offering more efficient inductance power. This makes it ideal in electronic equipment. Since electronic items come in sizes which are macro as well as micro, it certainly helps that toroids come different diameters and width. Industrial development has been able to grow apace due to the manufacture of such usage friendly components. Resembling a doughnut, a toroid transformer becomes a blessing because it is cost effective.
Low-frequency transmitters and receivers benefit from the usage of toroid cores which offer multiple magnetic advantages like controlling and containing the magnetic flux to their own core. The balancing of voltage and, where necessary, bringing down of supply voltage protects the users from getting electric shock as well as preventing damage to equipment.

It Takes Experience and Expertise to Meet Different Needs

To get high quality transformers which answer your needs you have to deal with manufacturers who have an enviable track record behind them. You can either deal with transformer suppliers and the manufacturers through them or with the manufacturers directly. Geography might play a role in your decision, since the authorized supplier may be close at hand and the manufacturer thousands of miles away. If you need to order custom transformers , you don't necessarily need to go to the factory of the manufacturer to check their capabilities. It is very crucial that they have industry certification, technical expertise, custom capabilities, application specific standards and expert personnel to offer customers powerful power inductors.
You can always ask to see pictures of their production unit via email and speak to their engineers. Ideally you should pick on manufacturers who can develop their own design as well as work to a blueprint. This is because only an experienced manufacturer can detect when your blueprint has some flaw which might impact long term capabilities. And you want your custom transformers to be enduring since they are very expensive. It is immaterial whether the transformer is a power transformer or a voltage transformer or even a toroid, the bottomline it should function efficaciously under the conditions you have foreseen when customizing it.
It is always a good idea to listen to the advice of experienced transformer suppliers before you customize any transformers for your unit. This is because they have been in the business for years and have dealt with different manufacturers over a period of time, which makes them aware of the limitations of certain specifications and what would be best for specific applications. They will tell you that transformers should incorporate an electrostatic shield for the attenuation of voltage spikes, fine noise, and transients. Make sure that your transformer is warranted against defects in materials, workmanship and performance for 10 years from date of manufacture. Whatever happens, you should never compromise on the quality of your transformers since they are a crucial part of the power system of your unit.

Different Kinds of Industries Require Different Kinds of Transformers

There are all kinds of transformers being manufactured for different applications. These could be as diverse as power supply and distribution to signal transmissions to audio waves for radios and phones. In fact, power transformers might be required for industries other than the electricity generation and supply companies. The railways require them to keep the trains running as well as the signaling system functional. After all, they are basically a means to transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another. Depending on the power requirements of a specific industry, the transformer is designed to ensure the reliability of the power system at all times. The many uses of transformers are due to power level, frequency range, voltage class, cooling type, application function, end purpose, winding turns ratio.
For this reason the top notch power transformer manufacturers work in close cooperation with the engineers of their customers to make sure that their performance needs are met. This might entail the production of non-standard assemblies or even bringing ingenious ideas to the production stage. The various kinds of power transformers include step up transformers, step down transformers, isolation transformers and variable auto transformers. Some increase the voltage, others reduce it, and some simply stabilize it. Isolation transformers serve multiple purposes which include breaking a circuit into primary or secondary, preventing high frequency noise from capacitance build up, preventing unintentional ground connections between the primary and the secondary and lastly, preventing inadvertent grounding from high voltage discharge.
The best thing about transformers is that they are one of the most energy-optimizing inventions ever made since they work based on the correlation between electricity and magnetism. Telephone networks and music reproduction systems also depend on transformers to remain functional. T he power generation stations transmit electricity at a high voltage. Power transformer manufacturers recommend the use of the step-down transformer to decrease the voltage to meet the need for business or homes. You should discuss with them your specific requirements for them to come up with cost effective and reliable solutions.